Kirkwood Trophy final standings for 2016

The Kirkwood Trophy is awarded by District 19 each year to the resident of District 19 who wins the most masterpoints.

This year’s winner is David Westfall of Spokane, WA.

Only open Regionals in Washington State and British Columbia are counted, and as with other masterpoint races one must be an ACBL member to qualify.

Standings are calculated at the conclusion of each Regional and placed in the Wrapup edition, as well as in the first Bulletin of the next Regional.

The current list reflects the final 2016 standing after November’s Whistler Regional. It can be found under D19 Tournaments in the top menu or accessed directly by clicking here.

Whistler Regional starting soon!


Enjoying the views from Whistler Peak

The Whistler Regional Tournament is starting on Monday November 7.

Find complete information on our Whistler Tournament page.

If you are driving to Whistler, please note that winter tires are mandatory on Hwy 99 (Sea-to-Sky) between October 1 and March 31. The official definition of winter tires in BC includes those with a M+S designation (check for imprint on sidewall). Full information is available in this BC government document.

For current road conditions go to