GNT Registration

Fill out this form to register a team in the D19 GNT Finals

Please use digits only


Now enter the information for your other teammates, one line per player

Enter player's name, ACBL number and BBO handle
Example: Charles Goren, 0123456, canasta
Enter player's name, ACBL number and BBO handle
Example: Charles Goren, 0123456, canasta
Enter player's name, ACBL number and BBO handle
Example: Charles Goren, 0123456, canasta
Enter player's name, ACBL number and BBO handle
Example: Charles Goren, 0123456, canasta
Enter player's name, ACBL number and BBO handle
Example: Charles Goren, 0123456, canasta


Please click on red Submit button below.

After you receive the confirmation message, unless you signed up for flight C, you will need to click on the blue "Pay GNT Registration" button to finalize your registration.