Page last updated: 2024-08-15

D19 COC for 2024-2025 FINAL

2023 District 19 North American Pairs

D19 NAP winners headed to Louisville!

D19 held the district finals for the North American Pairs at our fall regional in Leavenworth.  The following pairs will be representing us this spring at the National Finals in Louisville:

Flight A:
Nelson David and Alex Woo

Jenni and Tom Carmichael
Steve Bruno and Patti Hartley

Flight B:
Eric & Eddy He
JC and Scott Chupack
Zhenghong Sun and Youjia Zhang

Flight C:
Lorne Burns & Susan Craven
Wanda and Chris Mazurkewich
Allyson Welsh and Mark Headlee

Note that pairs that chose not to go include Jennifer Hong and Long Xie (who finished 2nd in B; and  Patti Hulvershorn and Merrie Lee Soules (who finished 2nd in C).

Best of luck to all and thanks to all who participated in this event.

It’s summer and that means it is time to play in your local club and qualify for the North American Pairs. In order to qualify, you need to play in a qualifying game at a local bridge club. For those of you on vacation, you can qualify at a club NOT in D19, but if you do, please let the NAP Coordinator (Ann Romeo) know. You can also qualify at an online NAP qualifying game.

If you qualify, you are eligible to play in the District finals, which will take place at our fall Regional in Leavenworth. And if you do well at the District finals (D19 is allowed to send 3 A pairs, 4 B pairs and 4 C pairs), you will get the chance to represent D19 at the National NAP finals this spring in Louisville, KY (March 13-14 for Flight A, and March 23-24 for Flights B and C). And if you do REALLY well, you’ll win a stipend to help defray the cost of the trip. For more information,  email the NAP coordinator at [email protected].

D19 COC for 2023-24 NAPs --final

Results for the October 15-16, 2022 finals

D19 NAP Final Flight A

D19 NAP Final Flight B

D19 NAP Final Flight C

If you have any questions, please contact NAP coordinator Ann Romeo ([email protected]).

Results from past NAPs

2019-2020 D19’s North American Pairs (NAP) Finals

Delta, BC, October 12-13, 2019

Flight A winners, James Wu and Sidney Yang

Flight B winners Paul Conroy and Dave Baer

Flight C winners Lucy Zhong and Jack Qi

Get the 2019-2020 D19 NAP Flyer and Conditions of Contest (CoC) .


2018-2019 North American Pairs (NAP) National Finals

Memphis Tennessee, March 30-31, 2019

The Flight C pairs highlighted D19’s representation at the North American Pairs (NAP) National Finals played at NABC in Memphis.

Of the 88 Flight C pairs who entered the two-day event from across the ACBL, all four D19 pairs qualified on Saturday for the two-session final on Sunday. Three of the four D19 pairs finished in the top 16 overall in the event, an amazing show of strength of Flight C pairs in D19.

Finishing 16th overall in the NAP Flight C National Finals — and becoming Life Masters in the process —Mark McWiggins and Craig Von Land, from Issaquah and Seattle, WA respectively


Finishing 12th overall in the NAP Flight C National Finals, Morris Chen and Qiang Hua, both of Surrey, BC


Finishing 13th overall in the NAP Flight C National Finals, the Souza brothers Felipe and Guilherme, both of Bellevue, WA


District 19 2017 North American Pairs Finals

The NAP 2017 Finals were held in Olympia, WA, October 21 & 22. Detailed results can be found on ACBL Live.

Top finishers were:

Flight A
1st place – Bryan Maksymetz – Dan Jacob
2nd place – Tom Carmichael – Jenni Carmichael
3rd place – Hal Antonson – David Binney

Flight B
1st place – Dave Roselle – Paul Martin
2nd place – Beau Hovda – Hugh Hendrickson
3rd place – John Krah – Daniel Poore
4th place – Xiang Tu – Yinsheng Tu

Flight C
1st place – Steven Lewis – Jolanta Janowski
2nd place – Brad Rind – Terry Jacobson
3rd place – Guilherme De Souza – Felipe Souza
4th place – Tracey Guice – Ivy French