
A blending of two countries, two cultures and one common love —the game of bridge. 

The ACBL is the governing body for organized bridge in North America. To help with organization, it is divided into UNITS. DISTRICTS are then created to administer regional activities within an assigned geographical area.

UNITS are not subsidiary to the districts, but rather are the governing basis for the ACBL. Districts are administrative areas for the purposes of regionals, GNT, NAP, and disciplinary matters.

Our District 19, covering most of Alaska, BC, and Washington, includes 24 units.

There are 24 Units within the geography of District 19. Our smaller units have as few as 24 members, and our largest units are Seattle with 1500 members and Vancouver with 1300. The governing body for District 19 – District 19 Organization (DINO) – is made up of elected representatives from our units, and is responsible wholly or in part for the planning and execution of bridge law, government and organization at all levels. One member of DINO also sits on the ACBL Board of Directors (currently Tim White).

DINO successfully meets the challenges of a district which crosses an international border, deals in two kinds of currency and must operate according to the dictates of a variety of governmental organizations. The board is an active, energetic and interested group of volunteers who have invested a lot of time and energy in the present and future health of the game of bridge. We can all be proud of our membership in District 19 and the commendable efforts of our DINO Board.