New look for website

You might have noticed that the website looks somewhat different. Rest assured, all the content and menus are still there.

Our previous theme (which determines how the site looks like) was no longer supported, thus requiring a change. The new theme allows for a cleaner, crisper appearance and is also responsive, meaning that it works well with mobile devices.

For those of a more technical bent, the theme is based on WordPress Twentyfourteen. I have made substantive modifications to the color scheme and font sizing. In the olden days (circa 1990s) each page had to be hand coded in html. Then came cascading style sheets, javascript and other tools. WordPress themes integrate these tools and allow the website’s look to be easily changed.

Comments and suggestions can be sent to the webmaster.

Kirkwood Trophy list updated

The Kirkwood Trophy is awarded by District 19 each year to the resident of District 19 who wins the most masterpoints.

Only open Regionals in Washington State and British Columbia are counted, and like other masterpoint races one must be an ACBL member to qualify.

Standings are calculated at the conclusion of each Regional and placed in the Wrapup edition, as well as in the first Bulletin of the next Regional.

The current list reflects the standing after June’s Penticton Regional. It can be found under District MP Races in the side menu or accessed directly by clicking here.

DINO Election Notice

Members of units listed below may make written declaration of candidacy to the District Elections Chairman to represent their area on the District 19 Board of Directors for the term 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2019. Email declarations will be accepted.

Vancouver Island Units: 429, 431

B.C. at Large Units: 456, 571, 574

Alaska units: 425, 426, 427

Incumbents for these positions are Chris Cookson (Vancouver Island Units), Don Wallace (B.C. at Large Units), and Kathie Hoehne (Alaska Units).

A short resume and platform statement should be included in case a contested election is necessary.

Declarations may be mailed or emailed to the Director of Elections listed below.

The filing period remains open until July 15, 2016.

District 19 Director of Elections
611 West 5th St
Grandview, WA 98930
Email: [email protected]

D19 website now hosted on new server

On June 1 we migrated the D19 website to a new server, which will result in better performance and easier maintenance. During the migration process (June 1-2)  website access was unreliable.

The site is now fully operational, however should you experience any difficulties, please send an email to [email protected] with a description of the problem encountered.

The Longest Day – Trump Alzheimer’s on June 20th



This year marks the 4th annual The Longest Day fundraising event supporting Alzheimer’s disease care and research. Held on Monday, June 20, 2016, the longest day of the year, this event symbolizes the difficult journey of those living with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers.

D19 bridge clubs who wish to participate should follow the instructions below:

For clubs in Alaska and Washington, visit and follow the prompts to officially register with the Alzheimer’s Association. Use code “ACBL” for free registration. Next, you schedule as many games as desired on Monday, June 20. All games are eligible for upgraded masterpoints. See the ACBLscore instructions for more information.

For clubs in British Columbia, register free with the Alzheimer Society of Canada.

Complete information and instructions are posted on ACBL’s Longest Day/Trump Alzheimer’s FAQ page.

List of Tournaments Updated

The list of D19 tournaments for 2016 has been updated with all Sectional and Regional tournaments from April to December 2016. Whenever available, links to tournament flyers are included. Please access the list from the top menu or by clicking here.

Please address any questions, queries or comments regarding the list to the Webmaster.

JP Weber
D19 Webmaster